
Showing posts from February, 2014

Stellenbosch bouncer completing Masters in Engineering - Profile about a man leading a double life

Stellenbosch - Mutondo ‘Paul’ Matenda leads a double life of Master’s Student and tutor by day, and Bohemia bouncer by night. While many know him as ‘Paul the bouncer’ very few people are aware that he is in fact completing his Master’s in Electro-Mechanical Engineering. Matenda has been in Stellenbosch for three years and has been working as a bouncer throughout. He comes from Lubumbashi, Congo, the oldest of ten. As the oldest child he is regarded as the breadwinner and that is why he decided to truly stand out and achieve a Master’s in Engineering. “In my country if you fail you stay at the same level and I wanted to reach a higher level,” said Matenda.