
Showing posts from April, 2014

Sleeping pills should be a last resort - Article about insomnia and the addiction to sleeping pills

Lying in bed, your eyes want to close but your brain is not allowing slumber to take over. You have just reached that deep sleep, or so you think, and then you wake up for the fifth time that night. You are victim to sleep disorder. There are many people who have fallen victim to what they diagnose as sleep disorder and are now taking sleeping pills to get the rest they require. Focusing on students it is clear that sleeping pills have become more of a ‘preventative measure’ than a ‘cure’. The medical dictionary online gives the definition of sleep disorder as, “a group of syndromes characterized by disturbance in the patient's amount of sleep, quality or timing of sleep, or in behaviors or physiological conditions associated with sleep.”

In the Wings - Profile about a Cape Town City Ballet ballerina

Lack of sleep, sore muscles and minimal rest. The ballerina lets us peek behind the curtains to see what it takes to be a performing artist.  The theatre goes quiet and there is an array of “shh shh” heard as the music starts playing. The last few lit up cell phone screens disappear and then it begins. You sink back into your chair with the sounds of the violins and harps as the curtains open. As an audience member, one never quite knows what to expect from a show. Each performance holds something new and unique. The pitter patter of the pointe shoes on the stage is what reminds you that these people are dancing on their toes, on a piece of wood. Admiration may not accurately describe what you feel, ‘awe’ would seem more fitting. The curtains slowly open.