
Showing posts from August, 2014

The fight has begun - Article about the rise of the EFF

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is a force to be reckoned with and is “leaping from strength to strength” according to Richard Poplak the author of Until Julius Comes. He was addressing an audience at Stellenbosch University’s journalism department yesterday and discussed his views on the prospects of the EFF as an opposition party in South African politics. Poplak explained that right now, the EFF will not be able to exist without its leader, Julius Malema, but that the structures are being put into place. “He has an extremely compelling presence like no other politician I’ve ever seen.”

Kaapstad is gereed vir die moontlike aankoms van Ebola - Article about Cape Town preparing for Ebola

Tygerberg Hospitaal is die amptelike bestemming vir Wes-Kaapse Ebola-pasiënte. Privaat- en staatshospitale sal ook gereed staan om pasiënte te ontvang. “Solank die hospitaal mense gemaklik hou en die regte beskermende oorpakke verskaf, sal hulle vir die siekes kan sorg,” sê dr. Jantjie Taljaard van die Sentrum vir Aansteeklike Siektes (SAS).  Tygerberg en SAS is al lank besig met onderhandelinge om te verseker dat Suid-Afrika se gesondheidsdienste paraat is om die Ebola-krisis en die verspreiding daarvan te keer.

The smoke screen over legalisation - Opinion piece about the legalisation of Marijuana

I do not understand the fascination with marijuana and I did not support the legalisation at all, until now. After reading many articles, and yes they were academic and not some hippie’s journals, I found myself asking ‘why not?’ I am also not talking about only legalising it for medicinal purposes; I am saying legalise it for recreational use too.